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py-cheetah3 Template engine and code generation tool
py-cherry_picker (V) Backport CPython changes from main to maintenance branches
py-cle CLE Loads Everything (at least, many binary formats!)
py-click Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities
py-click-aliases Add (mutiple) aliases to a click group or command
py-click-command-tree (V) Python click plugin to show the command tree of your CLI
py-click-default-group Extends click.Group to invoke a command without explicit subcommand name
py-click-didyoumean Enable git-like did-you-mean feature in click
py-click-log Logging integration for Click
py-click-option-group (V) Option groups missing in Click
py-click-plugins CLI command extension for click
py-click-repl REPL plugin for Click
py-click-threading Multithreaded Click apps made easy
py-clickclick Click utility functions
py-cliff (V) Command Line Interface Formulation Framework
py-clonedigger (V) Clone Digger aimed to detect similar code in Python
py-cmd2 (V) Extra features for standard library's cmd module
py-coala (V) Unified command-line interface for linting and fixing all your code
py-coala_utils (V) Collection of coala utilities
py-codepy (V) CodePy is a C metaprogramming toolkit for Python
py-codespell Check code for common misspellings
py-codestyle Python style guide checker
py-cogapp Code generator for executing Python snippets in source files
py-collections-extended Python Collections (Bag, setlist, IndexedDict, etc.)
py-coloredlogs Colored terminal output for Python's logging module
py-colorlog Log formatting with colors
py-columnize (V) Format a simple (i.e. not nested) list into aligned columns
py-commisery (V) Check whether given commit messages adhere to Conventional Commits.
py-compizconfig Python bindings for libcompizconfig
py-complexsystems (V) Toolbox for Complex Sytems
py-conda (V) Package management tool
py-conda-env (V) Tools for interacting with conda environments
py-configargparse Argparse-like with config files or environment variables support
py-configobj Config file reading, writing and validation
py-configupdater Parser like ConfigParser but for updating configuration files
py-confuse Painless YAML configuration
py-constantly Symbolic constants in Python
py-constants Simple way to deal with environment constants
py-construct Powerful declarative parser for binary data
py-construct-classes Parse your binary structs into dataclasses
py-contextlib2 Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module
py-contexttimer (V) Timer context manager measuring the clock wall time
py-cookiecutter Command-line utility that creates projects from project templates
py-cooldict Some useful dict-like structures
py-coreapi (V) Python client library for Core API
py-coreschema (V) Core Schema
py-covdefaults Coverage plugin to provide sensible default settings
py-coverage Python module that measures code coverage for Python
py-coverage-badge (V) Generate coverage badges for
py-coverage-enable-subprocess Enable Python coverage for subprocesses
py-coveralls Python interface to API
py-cparser C parser in Python
py-CppHeaderParser Python library to parse C++ header files
py-cppimport (V) Import C++ files directly from Python
py-cpplint Static code checker for C++
py-cppy C++ headers for C extension development
py-cPyparsing (V) Cython implementation of PyParsing for use in Coconut
py-cram Simple testing framework for command line applications
py-crayons Colored string formatting for the terminal
py-crossbar (V) multi-protocol application router for microservices
py-cscope (V) Generates a cscope index of Python source trees
py-csp (V) Brings CSP (communicating sequential processes) to Python
py-ct (V) Python package common tasks for users
py-curtsies Curses-like terminal wrapper, with colored strings
py-cwcwidth Python bindings for wc(s)width
py-cxfreeze (V) Freezing python scripts into executables
py-cykhash Cython equivalent to khash-sets/maps
py-cymem (V) Manage calls to calloc/free through Cython
py-cyordereddict Cython implementation of Python's collections.OrderedDict
py-cysignals (V) Interrupt and signal handling for Cython
py-cython C-Extensions for Python
py-cython-legacy (V) C-Extensions for Python
py-cythongsl (V) Cython declarations for the Gnu Scientific Library
py-cytoolz Cython Toolz High performance functional utilities
py-d2to1 Allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files package's metadata
py-daemon Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process
py-daemonize Library for writing system daemons in Python
py-das (V) Upload data to a Midas-based application with Python
py-dash Python utility libraries for doing stuff in a functional way
py-dash-bootstrap-components (V) Bootstrap themed components for use in Plotly Dash
py-dataclasses-json (V) Easily serialize dataclasses to and from JSON
py-ddt Data-Driven/Decorated Tests
py-debian (V) Python modules to work with Debian-related data formats
py-debtcollector (V) Python deprecation patterns and strategiest you technical debt
py-debugpy Implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python
py-decorated-registry (V) Decorator-based registry for objects with arbitrary payloads
py-decorator Generic Python decorator utilities
py-deep-merge (V) Simple utility for merging python dictionaries
py-deepstate Augments C/C++ Test-Driven Development with Symbolic Execution
py-dependency (V) Python module that build dependency matrices
py-dependency_management (V) coala Dependency Management
py-dependenpy (V) Python module that builds a Dependency Matrix for your project
py-depinfo (V) List a package's direct dependencies and their versions
py-deprecat @deprecat decorator for old python classes, functions or methods
py-deprecated Python decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods
py-deprecation Library to handle automated deprecations
py-dialog Python wrapper for the dialog utility
py-dict2xml Small utility to convert Python dict to XML string
py-dictdiffer Library that helps you to diff and patch dictionaries
py-dictpath Object-oriented dictionary paths